Friday, January 22, 2010

anak-anak istimewa...

x pnah trpk lgsung..i will(insyaallah) end up my life as a teacher of special education...

b4 dis,,just like most of us..i'm wondering...

student pend.khas means bdk2 cacat ke???

even dlu,,,bile tgk bdk syndrome down ak sgt tkot..n rse cm nk lari lju2....hahahaha..

n mybe ade yg ingt diorg ni gile....

but it is not ok....

on my dgree level...i started 2 learn more about special kids...

there are several types of them....disleksia,autism,down syndrome(down sindrom dpt nme dr dktr. yg jmpe pnyakit ni k....ari 2 akak ak tgk ak wt kje n ckp.." yg sindrom rupenye..."haahahaha)mental rtarded n more nk cite pnjg.....

main point here is,,,,

x kire btapa troknye kcacatan bdk2 ni...they have a right in education...

hntar diorg ke skolah bkn brmksd diorg akn jd normal...jd engineer,ckgu,dktr or whtever...

but at least,,diorg mmpu uruskan dri....

dnt undrestimate them bcoz u know what????elbert einstein dlu adalah slow learner ok??slow learner bwh kategori pend. khas,,,,

can u see....

so,jgn pndg diorg sblah mta,,,

sbb di sisi Allah kite sume sme shja kn...

biarlah mreka cacat di mte..

drpd spt kite yg byk cacat di hati msng2....

1 comment:

  1. erm... gud enntry... bnyak ek upenye jenis2 pendidikan khas ni yer.... baru tau....
